IMHPA’s Recruiting Goal is 500 + Independent Clinicians - Ready to Collaborate in Healthy Contracts.
January, 2025, IMHPA has 50 licensed members who pay $45 to $65 per month for their participation. IMHPA has operated since 1996 as a private practice marketing organization, and has held commercial contracts since 2014.
IMHPA offers low-cost enrollment at $20 per month which includes benefits worth more than $250 per month, with better security!
Contract participation is an option for IMHPA members. Licensed IMHPA solo and small group members who participate in one or both of IMHPA’s current contracts (PacificSource & Moda) pay $65 monthly dues from the time they apply to enter a contract. Members who join as incorporated groups of 6 or more licensed clinicians and collaborate in the credentialing process have monthly contract participation dues of $45.
When the number of enrolled members tops 200 the IMHPA Board will seek an additional contract with members’ input.