Learning Objectives  Those participating in this workshop will be able to:

  • Discuss the shifting focus from “talking cure” to “reducing or managing symptom burdens.”

  • Discuss the transformation of mental health to include behavioral health.

  • Discuss what health plans want that physicians need that therapists can provide.

  • Discuss strategies that can sustain private practices.

  • Discuss the structures, processes and outcomes necessary to begin transition from “fees for service” to “value-based reimbursements.”

  • Discuss the necessity and values of clinician management of data to improve quality vs Healthplan management of data.

The core of this workshop is recognition that changes are imminent in health care/mental health care integration, collaboration, processes, organization, definitions of value and payment structures.

The premise of value-based payments (VBP) in mental health and substance use treatment must move beyond process measures to include clinical outcomes. Payers have struggled to establish VBP models with mental health and substance use treatment providers.  At the same time, small clinics often do not have sufficient patient volume or the resources to assume risk that is often requested for a value-based payment model. This workshop will address models for mental health service providers based on initiatives currently being implemented.

The funding and delivery models of mental health and substance abuse treatment services are in transition with driving forces including public policy, parity for mental health services; technology, including electronic health records and telehealth; financial models that move from fee-for-service to value-based purchasing arrangements; and delivery models that integrate service delivery, physical, mental health, and substance use. 

 The workshop will answer such questions as: What is the role of counselors, social workers and psychologists in this healthcare landscape? Particularly those who choose to remain in private practice? How is value to be demonstrated, that is, what is the value of psychological services in relation to health and health services? What are the metrics to demonstrate value? How is technology incorporated in practice and who pays for this infrastructure development? What power does a small group or an independent practitioner have in negotiating with payors?